(Click on paintings or drawings below to view larger size.)

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Chicken Series


"Chickens in Van Gogh country"
50x40cm oil on canvas

"Family Portrait" (TLO and Dina)
50x50cm oil on canvas

Raising chickens turned out to be a fascinating but complex venture. It's difficult keeping just one because they are social creatures and get depressed when alone, but two doesn't work either because they wind up fighting. So, in the end, we gave them away to a local farmer where they are now under the watchful eye of a team of roosters. That works. We bring them treats and can see that they are happily integrated and healthy. Recently, I've noticed there are some little ones that look like them.

TLO ("The Little One"), purchased as a two-day-old chick, quickly grew to become a huge, beautiful chicken. For the TAE charity event I painted TLO from one of my old photos:

"Spring Chicken"
5x7inches, oil on Figueras canvas paper

Monday, January 2, 2023

Instagram Challenges


 "A Winter's Day"
12x18cm oil on canvas panel
inspired by a photo from the Landscape Art Club

I've been following three Instagram challenges that don't disappoint: @landscapeartclub, @foodpaintchallenge and @roomportraitclub. Unfortunately, last spring's @faceportraitclub seems to have disappeared. It takes a while for my oil paintings to dry so I missed sending out the postcard below:

"Christmas at Windsor Castle"
15x10cm oil on postcard canvas
inspired by the Room Portrait Club

This will be for Christmas 2023. 

Roaming the Internet to find subjects I haven't yet had a chance to paint whiles away these cold, dark days of winter. Here's some more snow thanks to the Landscape Art Club:


 "Canadian Trail"
10x15cm oil on canvas panel

"Yellow Lilies"
15x10cm oil on postcard canvas
(private collection, Schaerbeek)

The lilies were another popular subject at the Landscape Art Club. I painted some as ACEOs as well. Find those and my Food Paint Challenge work here: Smallest Paintings Gallery.

Looking forward to more of these in 2023! 

Happy New Year!