(Click on paintings or drawings below to view larger size.)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August Postcards


I've had these blank postcards for watercolor painting for ages but only started using them this year.  Now that I can scan before sending, I'm not worried about dropping them into the mailbox.

More postcards here

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

all of us!

I used to think I was fairly unique in the world.  I mean, there were usually three other "Cathy's" in my high school classes but never another Hale. Even local phone books concurred. But years later, the Internet changed all that. I should have suspected it when I couldn't get my email address back after letting it expire. It was only when Google slowly crept into my life, that I began to discover the others. I remember first finding a school teacher in the South, then a lawyer. Later the list started growing quickly. However, I only stumbled on another Catherine Hale artist about two years ago (Catherine Hale in the UK).  That's when I decided to make my own mark on the Web. I linked myself to my current residence in Brussels so there could be no confusion. Now and then I check again. An 85 year old sculptor in Canada named Catherine Hale had her first show last year: Catherine Hale in CanadaNow a third Catherine Hale artist has come on line -- Catherine Hale in AustraliaI like their work and each has a unique approach. I'm dedicating this post to all the "Catherine Hale Artists" of the world! ;)

Small paintings of Uccle

"Le Crabbegat"
10x15cm, oil on canvas
(private collection, Brussels)
"Eglise orthodoxe russe Saint Job"
10x10cm, oil on canvas
(private collection, Brussels)